Friday, November 21, 2008

Guys will be Guys!

I think I have already mentioned that I might cover a lot of "arbit" stuff here so this is one thing I found very interesting and it made me realise how all of us are all alike in behaviour. When generally people go to a new place or a new college in my case in a different city people are generally inquisitive regarding that place and once you return ,you are definitely going to get bombarded with questions . It was the same with me and i had to answer my fair share of questions. But one question was on the top of every body's list . My good friend Bhargav asked this to me like four times . This is when I sat up and took notice. Everyone else i spoke with had the same thing to ask first . No it wasn't "How are your studies going?", neither "How is the climate there, have you adjusted?" or "How is the food, are u missing your mum?". It was *Drum rolls* "How are the chicks in Nitk, Sushan?". A very good and easy question to ask I guess but very difficult and awkward to answer. At first I was pretty casual and did the "uhmmm... they are ok" routine but then it did get annoying at times and all i wanted to answer was " All the girls I have seen are doing okay. They all look healthy. Some of them suffer from cold but we have a good health care center here who supply free medicine , so they should be fine in just some time . There is nothing to worry here, folks". It is always the case with guys, I guess. The testosterone always beats the mind. I had a thought then not to succumb to the wills of testosterone (Who was i kidding? lol). One of my best friends or my best friend itself if you will, Sampath is right now in Bits - Dubai. So I got the opportunity to chat with him after like 3-4 months and guess what was the question I asked him. Yup, "How are the Dubai chicks ,da?". King Testosterone never loses a battle. We are all the same. I don't think we will change or are even planning to change anytime same. Always, Guys will be guys!.

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