Monday, December 1, 2008

You wouldn't have been reading this if.......

Well last week was a terrible one where we had to witness the ghastly terrorist attack on Mumbai. Most of us wonder as to how a fellow human being can act like this killing so many innocent lives. Well stop wondering folks. They aren't human beings in the first place for you to give them this consideration . The are obviously lacking the basic emotion which defines a human being "Humanity". I don't know the exact statistics but i think atleast 150 lives were taken away. Some brave officers lost their lives fighting for the cause. I salute them.They have my highest respect . My condolences to the bereaved families but it obviously means nothing because if there is such a thing called priceless in this world , it is the price of a life. I did watch a few survivors narrating their near death experience to the viewers. These people need all the moral support they can get . Its not easy to put this incident behind them and say lets just move on. Life will never be the same again no matter how much you try to put up a brave face to it.

Speaking about near death experience , I have had my own. All I can say is " You wouldnt have been reading this post if i hadn't got lucky". I guess it was August 2006 , I was in 11 th standard and didn't know any better . Let me jog you through the incident . I remember it very clearly even though i don't want to. It was a Saturday and school got over at the usual time. I made a mix up in the buses and consequently i got into a bus which would stop a bit away from my regular bus-stop. Ahhhh, but i am too impatient and too foolish . I made up my mind to get down at the signal . But while we came near the place ,the signal was in green so the bus moved on and took a turn. The driver reduced the speed so that some of us could get down at the turn . Maybe two or three guys got down before me and before i got my turn the bus started accelerating . But i was stubborn on this and like the numbskull I was I jumped off the running Bus . The next few seconds are a blank. My foot was in deep pain, there were numerous deep wounds on my hand. I dont know what really happened to my foot. Whether the bus itself ran over it or another car( I'm on the main road , remember). I limped my way to home. my parents took me to Bowring hospital . The pain had become worse and I was taken in a trolley to take an X-ray. It was then, while lying on the trolley , unable to walk I realised the magnitude of this incident. My thoughts were " What the fuck were you trying to pull off, you stupid clown? . Look what has happened to you ". I was very afraid at that moment. i feared permanent damage to my foot and ofcourse I was crying like a baby. The Doctors took an X-Ray and Thank God nothing major had happened. I had to put one of those plasters and take bed rest ,which i accepted in a heartbeat because i had initially feared worse. The thing is I got very very very lucky . Generally i read about people getting run over by a bus when they alight from a running one. I was lucky I didnt get run over by one and only my foot came in the way of whatever it was. Lets face it, my chances of survival would have been none had the unthinkable happened. As I write this I feel like thanking God for saving me and altering my fate. I loved canvas shoes and nearly wore them everyday to school but that day I changed my mind and decided to wear leather shoes( why?? Divine force?? maybe, maybe). Ofcourse they were a tremendous help. The leather exterior reduced the impact on my foot, hence it wasnt smashed to smithereens . Again very very very lucky. But Ofcourse this incident has changed my life. I can't fully put it behind me. I will always remember it. I am overly cautious on the road now and maybe sometimes scared to cross the road when the bus approaches or if there are too many vehicles on the streets. But yes, I am a much smarter, wiser, mature?( I dont think so but getting there :D) and I am pretty sure I won't be repeating this outrageously dumb and stupid stunt again . All I have to do is to look at my wrist and see that very prominent scar and say " Never again".

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