Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Wonder Years..

I am always happy to say I got to spend two years at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Malleswaram(KVM). My regret is that I got to spend only two years at kvm :( . I tell you this place is like no other and i hardly noticed as time flew by and suddenly we were 18 and leaving school. On thing in KVM was that there was always fun to have . I dont think we were ever bored in class. Our class had a bunch of vivid, lively characters - each one poles apart from one another. Together we combined and made this place an amazing circus... sorry I mean school. When I first came to class and looked around the place was freaking empty. Only the new arrivals like Arunesh and Kishore were around. Then 2-3 minutes before the bell , they all came . Some came in groups and some alone but they arrived - the students who did their 10th in kvm and decided to continue their higher secondary over here itself.During class all i had to do was take one glance to look through a person. Naveen , Pranjal, Bharath seemed like the cool guys whom everyone wanted to hang out with . You could know that because around 5 others tried to sit in the same bench as them . They all fit in. Dont ask me how! this was the last bench . As my eyes moved forward to the first benches i identified the nerds. Prasad, Anirudha, Sreepada, Sumanth, Ramnarayan etc .Ignore and move on. Enter the god of teaching Raveendran. Now this man was a class apart. In his two years of teaching chemistry, I can positively assure we learnt nothing. Even when the man tried his best to impart knowledge we did our best to block all chemistry from entering our head. But boy was his class a joy or what. He used to spend 25 mins in attendance and class teacher work not to forget he always made attempts to tame naveen , bharat , shashwath ,pranjal and the rest of the last bench gang. His short term memory made it even better. He used to change our places every day and we used to immediately change it back.He wouldnt notice and then next day after another prank places would be changed and it went on and on...... lol. His classes used to start when the bell rang and he used to always borrow time from the next class. He was tooooo funny and always remain my favourite teacher. The best part of kvm were my classmates. I tell you , those guys knew how to live. they made every momoent worth rememebering for the rest of our lives. I made plenty of good friends here and adjusting as a new student is no problem at all here. There were plenty of funny moments. Kallu coming late to class every single day of the year and giving the same 'ol excuse of " I couldnt get the bus", Prajwal scaring the shit out of harshal with his boooooo, Siddharth Vinod getting the formula of sodium chloride wrong(wtf?), tug of war using preetam mohanty's hands, Mohanty's retaliation after the tug of war where he lifted chairs and desks and threatened to throw it at me and naveen, Games period, bunking classes and playing games, Bindulakshmi(math teacher) accusing prajwal and prasad of gay activities in class --- looool, Akshit getting booed by small kids when he did a creed song on stage, Anything stupid Pranjal could pull of in class... I could go on and on . But these two years are very close to my heart. I am not going to forget it for sure and i thing it is aptly titled "the wonder years ".I am a proud alumni of this school and if i havent said it enough I love this place. I think i am really fortunate to have quite a few of these amazing friends i made in school join me in college @ NITK. In these four years of engineering we will all surely dive in to the swimming pool of fun. THAT I can assure you.

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