Tuesday, December 22, 2009

where were you hiding, Mister??

I know that would be the first question on your minds as I havent updated my (beloved?) blog for quite some time. Well i wasn't hiding anywhere , i couldn't update my blog at nitk because it was technologically hit. Pretty badly hit, mind you. My block didn't have internet for most of the sem. we did get it back later( when we weren't thatfree anymore and much closer to the exams).The problem wasnt much actually but like every other government institution the effort and the material required to fix the problem was lacking. It was pretty pathetic from the college's point of view.link Makes me wonder, what were these guys smoking when they gave gave this award.

i found myself a new IDOL. Jack *fucking*BAuer. What a fucking god amongst men.This man is immortal and can never die no matter what. Kiefer sutherland's portrayal of jack bauer is quite simply marvellous and 24 is the best series i have seen in my life. I dont think anything will get better. Well i am such a big fan of Sutherland now that i plan to get an identical tattoo like his - a chain armband(please dont mistake me for an obssessed teenage girl, I am not!!!!!!). Since i am getting so excited over a show it only means that nothing much goes on in my life(all fingers are pointed to the demon that is engineering). Whereever i am , studies seems to be staring at me from all four sides. I mean study that language, code this, code that, internship. There seems to be so many things which i must necessarily do to stay alive in this world of cut throat competition.Not very cool.

This is just adding to the infinite thoughts that are already filling up my head... Was the alien sex scene in Avatar disturbing or hot(I see you)? why does that feel more realistic than me and scarlett johansson ever happening?am I team edward or team Jacob?? will boriello score more goals than the Number of STD's he has had?? oh and finally

RIP the very beautiful Brittany Murphy.Such a tragic loss...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thats all folks

The holidays, they have finally come to a close. The three months of holidays seemed like eternity . I have done nothing special though. Just honed my laziness skills and more importantly doing one thing which i always want to do in college -> be alone , relax and day dream. But I did plan my holidays too ( lame, i know ).

1) There were quite a few shows i wanted to watch. after finishing Himym, the big bang theory, two and a half men , scrubs , wonder years, all i can say is DONE. Am a happy man.

2) There were plenty of movies i wanted to watch. Ranging from drama, comdies with insanely sick humour, thriller, and even silly romantic comedies. i have atleast watched 100 movies and all were excellent , so a pat on the back for me and good movies make me feel good.DONE

3) learn the friedrich method for solving rubik's cube. Completely pointless since the end result is always the same but nevertheless DONE

4) dont slouch of and become a couch potato . Well after watching fight club and getting inspired by brad pitt's god like physique i hit the gym hard. i kinda liked workin out and the feeling of strength( Some guys are gonna get it while arm wrestling this sem B-) ) So DONE

5) Read a fantastic Novel . YEAH RIGHT!!! . Still not able to finish LOTR even though i started out 6 yrs ago. A worthy tribute to JRR tolkien , i am. well 4/5 is not that bad.

The holidays had some speed bumps as well. I discovered that even though ppl are afraid of aids and cancer nobody pays attention to throat ulcers even though its fuckin deadly. i wasnt able to drink water , let alone eat food. my life was a horrible hell for 2 weeks and i don wanna deal with this shit again. I wanted to evade a visit to my best buddies from the world of medicine - dermatologists. All was going according to plan until i had to visit one for clearing a mark which was getting hard to get rid of created by my spectacles. Drat and double drat!!! The whole internet world is like a herd of sheep and everyone just follows the trend. I am just another sheep , so i joined twitter when everyone else is tweeting. All though it doesnt seem like a big deal i still continue to use it. John mayer and ashton kutcher are excellent tweeters but my college friends with their rare tweets are a disgrace( sorry fellas :D). Anyway another random fact to conclude with- i bought another pair of running shoes so that i dont have to use my expensive Fila basketball shoes :proud:( side note- how cheap can i get? buying a shoe and not using it. whats the point anyway? i cant seem to explain it to myself but somehow in my own small world it all makes sense). Bye for now and everyone remember to vaccinate ur dogs :P. Peace out.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Farewell Paolo....

This month is an emotional one for milan fans like me because our hero Paolo Maldini hangs up his legendary boots after 25 years of service unrivalled in terms of loyalty and sheer class of the performances. Maldini is the perfect example for a one club man as he has completed a long journey from the youth academy to this match in that one jersey giving his heart and soul in every match he played .In his distinguished career he has won everything possible at Milan . Seven scudetti, Five champions league titles,5 Uefa super cups,1 coppa italia, 2 intercontinental cups and 1 FIFA club world cup. Sadly he had no luck with the italian national team ending up on the losing side even after great tournaments .

Well on a personal note Maldini was one of the primary reasons i chose Milan as my club .He had a whole aura around him which makes just take notice. His sliding tackle for me was more joyous to watch then any flashy attacking move. He made defending an art form which so few can claim to have mastered .I dont think i Can blindly call him the best player ever because there are so many aspects to deciding that and a decsion must be reached without thinking like a fan. But i can most certainly call him 'my favourite player' because of the player that he is and what he has done for the club .Watching Milan without him will be unthinkable but i have to move on and so do so many Rossoneri. Maldini is not just not a mere player , he is an extraordinary leader and i know that there wont be anyone ever who will wear the armband like Paolo Maldini has.. farewell Paolo , you may retire from the game but never from our hearts

his last moments on the field

Monday, May 18, 2009

Like No other....Kat dennings

A very big day in my personal world. After 5 or6 long years , Scarlett Johansson is no longer on the top of my Hottest females on earth/crush list . Yes , the queen has finally been displaced by someone called Kat Dennings( I thought this would never happen , but it has happened).

Now Kat isn't "conventionally" pretty as people would put it. But i find her whole look (kinda gothish) freakin gorgeous. Now that shouldnt be enough to displace Queen Scarlett isnt it? perfectly yes. Kat Though not as good as an actor as scarlett , is pretty good herself. She is making her mark now and has been good in some of the films i have seen( Charlie Bartlett, Nick and norah's infinite playlist). Getting to the point, Now I absolutely hate the young hollywood bimbos like paris hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus etc etc. I dont know whats more pissing off - the cheesy "Thats's Hot" one liner /Numerous sex tapes of hilton, Lindsay's constant flirtations with death/drugs all to get a little attention or Miley cyrus's recent bag of controversies. All in all I dont like it and feel these dumb, lifeless actresses should be sent to Mars so that we get only important news in the papers not an article which says lindsay is staright/lesbian/bi now. Okay what is so fantastic about Kat is that she is the complete opposite of young hollywood actresses. Down to earth, A personality of pure gold and she is a totally hilarious. The fact that she continues to write her blog which she started as a teenager even after becoming famous is fantastic. I like it when celebs try to keep in touch with their fans who make them who they are today. *clap clap clap *. Kat also has a vlog on youtube( now who would do something like that!!!). Now if you browse through the videos you'll find an individual who is a totally wackjob :d (I like ) and downright hilarious . A fantastic sense of humour makes a woman 100 times more beautiful than she already is and boy does kat dennings seem FUN which is the reason she has become the apple of my eye.

Ps- i still love u Queen Scarlett. You are the apple of my other eye :D :D :D

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A New Passion

This thing on the left is the new love of my life, a Rubik's cube. Rubik's cube - a puzzle made in the 70's by erno rubik quickly rose to be the puzzle everyone wanted to solve. Its poularity skyrocketed after its invention and now everyone has seen or atleast heard of rubik's cube. I am one of those people who are totally addicted to this wonderful , wonderful thing . I first heard of the cube sometime back but obviously i couldnt solve it and i quietly forgot about it with sudoku occupying my mind. This sem sometime in Jan there was a rubik's cube workshop held in my college . As was the case with every workshop i decided to ditch this too preferring to lie on my arse enjoying yet another nap. But people returned with an algorithm sheet and suddenly everyone started solving it and quickly it became a craze in the coll. I looked around as people started solving it quicker and quicker without breaking a sweat . Srini was even doing it in the class. It was then I thought "Man i NEED to solve the cube" . As soon as I went back to blore for a mini break i sat in front of the comp looking at video tutorials and surprisingly i found it bloody easy to solve. But then even though i can comfortably solve it i keep doing it again and again for hours together even though i know the end result is always the same. Doing it faster is the main aim now and now i can do it within 2 minutes( not that good but i am trying hard to get it within 1 ). So i will leave u with two ppl who can really teach YOU how to solve the cube. Try it, its simple.

1) http://www.youtube.com/user/badmephisto

Search for the videos in his page. he teaches u the fridrich method


part 1 from pogobat(dan brown). part 2 and 3 in related videos . this is the simpler way to solve and he really explains it well.

To prove i ain't bluffing here is a video of me solving the cube in 1 min 33 or 34 secs. Excuse the weird facial expressions i can't think without making those. lol.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Is it really over???

I am having a hard time convincing myself that I am through with my first year of engineering. It only feels like yesterday when i came for counselling and received a shock when i found out that coll starts very early because of supposed water problems in the summer. we got very good proof of this later. Right after incident i woke up late and when i went to brush my teeth i got a rude shock . No water at all!!!So i thought i would go to the next block and manage and i thought this water problem would end in a day or two like always. I was never more wrong in my life!!!. While iitians are worried about what components to use to make their next robot, we nitkians are wondering where will take our next crap. Yes roaming around the campus looking for a block with water is certainly tiresome and it does make a strong impact. the word hygiene got deleted from our dictionary. Skipping bath became common and washing clothes was a luxury .I also noticed that people stopped playing as a bath was necessary due to the heavy sweat output and who wants to have extra bath???? A protest was made but nobody cared about it. The water problem was soon forgotten when room allotment began where i saw politics being played better than bjp- congress. Every party wanted a good room for themselves and there was a lot of arguments as to who gets what .Finally a mutual consensus and people took rooms where they were told to. This was just a teaser to NITK politics. The real thing was the election for class representatives and head of union/engi/inci for next year. Boy, was this scary politics. Like real life two big alliances were formed , promises were made, backstabbing was also present , each alliance tried to play their right cards and the most shrewd guy won in the end. I was just happy my cr is venkat, a good friend of mine who has good qualities to be a cr. As month ended studies piled up and i forced myself to slog . End sems were like as usual a blurry week with no sleep . i am happy that is over and i have 3 months of hols to look forward to.

This one year has been great for me. I initially took time to adjust and didnt like my class s1 much as they raped me in relative grading but all that they changed in the second sem as i got to know them better . Now i dont care if they screw me in relative grading because they are my friends and i would like them anyways. I really feel the unity of this class was fantastic and kudos to the cr giri for doing just that. I would have to say though i would miss being in s1 dozing in class all the time, bearing the weirdiest teachers u'll find on the face of he earth, putting proxies, getting proxies, copying in all surprise tests . Next year as we separate into our own branches i am happy that i got many of my s1 friends in 3rd block 2nd floor ( Sadly not all :( ). So i am sure i'll be having a blast next year. Second year, I await thee.....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Beyond Expression....!

The month of february is usually the most awaited month in college. We have our two main fests Engineer and a cultural fest Incident. Seniors kept talking about it the whole of last sem and the hype was building and we couldnt wait for the month of feb to start. Feb begun on a slightly sad note as we had the small matter of mid sem exams but we crossed that hurdle and we were ready to have a blast. It didnt exactly work out that way though. First up was Engineer and that is Boring like hell. It was all about geeky robotics stuff and boring seminars by boring people for students who dont want to be bored . So you can imagine how engi panned out for me. Since engi was dead boring i was looking at inci to add some spark into my life and oh Boy it didnt disappoint!!!! Incident was amazing .There were a lot of events in which even i could be interested in participating( quizzes mostly and yes nothing involving robotics :P).
One of the best part of inci was the basketball events . There was a regular basketball tournament plus the extra 3 point shootout and dunk competititon. Obvs Nitk was the most favoured team( not in the girls event , mind you. MCC girls were heavily favoured there for very obvious reasons, so much so that people decided to go to the western musicals a bit late because of the MCC vs BMSCE match). The 3 point out shootout was won by nikhilesh of NITK but what was surprising for me and really really really impressive was when the captain of the MCC team finished second beating tons of guys . Women are catching up with men i tell, its a bad sign :P. In the regular tournament there was a lot of drama as well. two matches i rememeber vividly was the semis and the finals. THe semi between josephs and jain was pure class. Josephs leading 57-55 with 3 secs to go and what happens next is unbelievable. The no 7 of jain just chucks the ball from little over the halfway line and the ball just goes in drawing gasps and shocks all around . He rightfully received a standing ovation after that.Jain scripted a dream story with a surprise victory over a strong and grossly underperforming nitk. During this time girls from bangalore colleges who were all over the campus made many nitkians have second thoughts about joining this college. The night shows were obviously were people had a blast. Be it the eastern musical, western , fashion show, DJ nite and the concert by Ganjawalla . Attendance was great and it was a big hit. A band called evergreen performed at western musicals and i really thought they were good. They played two covers of maiden well especially "burn".

But the marquee events , what people are still talking about , were the fashion show and the concert by ganjawala . The fashion show was really not a fashion show in the typical sense because people go to a fashion show to look at clothes but 500+ nitk eyes were only fixed on women from ramaiah and manipal modelling the clothes lol. Much to the shock of everyone around it was the boys team with their amazing costumes who win it and i think it was the right decision even though i dont want to beleive it :P. Dj nite was sad! Even though nikhil chinappa came, I discovered that techno is very very monotonous and doesnt have much range. Are electric and techno the same and could anyone spot the difference????? And everyone said kunal ganjawala concert was reallly good ( I didnt attend though because i wasnt well which has been the case this whole semester :( ) .As for me i participated in lit events , mostly all quizzes and all though i didnt do that well since my quizzing standards have drastically dropped from what it was once i do promise to return next year hopefully as a better quizzer. Incident was amazing . It stayed true to its tagline as we were rightfully left "beyond expression". Can't wait for next year!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Stay Away from me...

No its not you of course , its that darned fella exams..... We all hate it but we have to learn to live with it. Exam times are the times you always dread where your life becomes hell for a week. You are sad before the exam and still not releived after it because its always on your mind that you are one step closer to a bigger exam. And the education cycle continues. Me? I keep thinking of ways to live a normal life during the exam time as i dont like to over-burden myself(but i end up doing so 10 times out of ten).

*The best way to combat an exam is to study continuosly so that very less is left at the end. I realized the importance of this last sem as i got fucked trying to fit everything in my cranium at the end. So i decided that this semester would be different. Fast forward to one week before the mid sem exam and i was making a study plan as to how to fit everything-in again. You guessed it right. I didnt even look at the books til then...lol

*The plan is near perfect. The execution on the other hand is pathetic

Plan-: 1) come back from previous exam. start of at 2
2) 2- 4:45- Study physics( which is day after) so that the burden becomes less
3) start Mech which is the next day. first up , 5:00 to 7:30 - Refrigeration and air
4)Dinner and then 8:00 to 9:00-: Steam

5) 9:00 to 9:45 - Ic engines
6) 9:45 to 10:30 - power transmission and we are done ! foolproof plan. i should be an architect. Bath, and then do some other subject

Execution-: -
doze off till 4:30 , at 12 i have finished just refrigeration and steam . I stink- someone drag me to the bathroom.

* You always waste time in useless things like chatting and gossip(yes this happens in a boys hostel, a lot actually) but when it comes to doing the important things in life u have second thoughts. why? because in that 5 minutes we could revise what we studied. Smart, aren't we? For example When i wake up on the morning of an exam i always look lazily at my toothbrush thinking" Do i really have to????, i can revise in that time". Forcibly , with a little help from anurag who always try to keep the room sane while me and Manoj act like spoilt brats, I inspire myself to brush my teeth. After multiple cavaties i have improved myself to brushing twice a day. wohoooooo!!!!!. What brushing is for me is bathing for manoj. His theory is " If you have bath at midnight , isnt it a bath for thursday and friday".Hitting two birds with one stone as the yanks put it. He didnt get an IITjEE EMl for nothing you know. But credit to him, this time he has had bath on all three days of the mid sem. So kudos to our room. 25 rocks!!!!

* As the fed-ex was getting derailed i had begun to lose interest in Tennis from the beginning of last yr. Add the fact that Juju( Justine Henin) retired tennis took a big backseat. But the day before Math my interest in tennis was revived and i Had to watch that match. To my pleasant surprise the tv room was full. No one wanted to study, haha.

*At the end of it all , you always come out saying, " Shit , that was bad i could have scored better if i prepared regularly. I will change myself... blah blah blah...". After a piss poor physics exam i am saying the same thing. I will study physics every week from now on. I will leave no stone unturned. But wait let Feb get over first . we have two big college fests, you see. :P :P Here we go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

The beautiful game is still beautiful....

Thanks to this man, Ricardo Izecson dos santos leite known to the whole world as 'Kaka'

A very long overdue post but i wanted to write a good one for this guy so i thought of writing when i was really free.Times have changed in football . Money is everything now and the more you invest seems the more you gain. Guys from nowhere with a bucketfull of cash own a football club which according to me takes some shine of a football club. So when some abu dhabi company with their oil soaked money took over ManC , people raised their eyebrows because Manc went from being the 'other' team in Manchester( After Wigan obviously :P) to the richest club in the world. Their transfer kitty was 3 or 4 times more than the average big club and this meant trouble. No player was out of their reach and suddenly names flew in. Berbatov, Villa, ronaldo , Cesc and much to my horror my beloved Ricky Kaka , the Saviour of milan in 90% of their matches. At hostel i dont have a system or laptop(yet ) so the frequency of me coming online has drastically reduced. I hadnt been in touch with transfer rumours or anything sort of milan news for a few days and suddenly out of nowhere my friend Rajath texts me that City had an enormous 120 million pound bid for Kaka and 120 million is 120 million so Milan couldnt refuse and they accepted the bid . ManC was ready to double kaka's wages and all in all kaka would be covered in money . In the real world none of us would pass up an oppportunity to increase our salary by a few folds and rightly so because lets face it no matter what people say money is very important in life. And so the days went by, goal.com was eating my head with reports that the deal was nearly done and the move was said to be a sure one.For one moment my rock solid faith in kaka seemed to be breaking. But wait did anyone ask kaka what he wanted???? Well kaka gave a response which touched me and most of my fellow rossoneri

The chest beating and the jersey display truly established his love and loyalty to the club. I should be ashamed in doubting his loyalty to the club for even a moment. I should be beleiving in Kaka rather than useless websites spinning stories to make a quick buck. I am convinced he will remain in this club for a long time and i hope he gets the armband very soon. Kaka made me a very proud fan and kept intact the reason why i fell in love this club . Milan is special where the players club ant the fans share a unique bond signified by the legend, god- maldini himself and now Kaka moved up a notch in my books. Thank you ricky, I love you man!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Wonder Years..

I am always happy to say I got to spend two years at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Malleswaram(KVM). My regret is that I got to spend only two years at kvm :( . I tell you this place is like no other and i hardly noticed as time flew by and suddenly we were 18 and leaving school. On thing in KVM was that there was always fun to have . I dont think we were ever bored in class. Our class had a bunch of vivid, lively characters - each one poles apart from one another. Together we combined and made this place an amazing circus... sorry I mean school. When I first came to class and looked around the place was freaking empty. Only the new arrivals like Arunesh and Kishore were around. Then 2-3 minutes before the bell , they all came . Some came in groups and some alone but they arrived - the students who did their 10th in kvm and decided to continue their higher secondary over here itself.During class all i had to do was take one glance to look through a person. Naveen , Pranjal, Bharath seemed like the cool guys whom everyone wanted to hang out with . You could know that because around 5 others tried to sit in the same bench as them . They all fit in. Dont ask me how! this was the last bench . As my eyes moved forward to the first benches i identified the nerds. Prasad, Anirudha, Sreepada, Sumanth, Ramnarayan etc .Ignore and move on. Enter the god of teaching Raveendran. Now this man was a class apart. In his two years of teaching chemistry, I can positively assure we learnt nothing. Even when the man tried his best to impart knowledge we did our best to block all chemistry from entering our head. But boy was his class a joy or what. He used to spend 25 mins in attendance and class teacher work not to forget he always made attempts to tame naveen , bharat , shashwath ,pranjal and the rest of the last bench gang. His short term memory made it even better. He used to change our places every day and we used to immediately change it back.He wouldnt notice and then next day after another prank places would be changed and it went on and on...... lol. His classes used to start when the bell rang and he used to always borrow time from the next class. He was tooooo funny and always remain my favourite teacher. The best part of kvm were my classmates. I tell you , those guys knew how to live. they made every momoent worth rememebering for the rest of our lives. I made plenty of good friends here and adjusting as a new student is no problem at all here. There were plenty of funny moments. Kallu coming late to class every single day of the year and giving the same 'ol excuse of " I couldnt get the bus", Prajwal scaring the shit out of harshal with his boooooo, Siddharth Vinod getting the formula of sodium chloride wrong(wtf?), tug of war using preetam mohanty's hands, Mohanty's retaliation after the tug of war where he lifted chairs and desks and threatened to throw it at me and naveen, Games period, bunking classes and playing games, Bindulakshmi(math teacher) accusing prajwal and prasad of gay activities in class --- looool, Akshit getting booed by small kids when he did a creed song on stage, Anything stupid Pranjal could pull of in class... I could go on and on . But these two years are very close to my heart. I am not going to forget it for sure and i thing it is aptly titled "the wonder years ".I am a proud alumni of this school and if i havent said it enough I love this place. I think i am really fortunate to have quite a few of these amazing friends i made in school join me in college @ NITK. In these four years of engineering we will all surely dive in to the swimming pool of fun. THAT I can assure you.