Friday, November 21, 2008

Guys will be Guys!

I think I have already mentioned that I might cover a lot of "arbit" stuff here so this is one thing I found very interesting and it made me realise how all of us are all alike in behaviour. When generally people go to a new place or a new college in my case in a different city people are generally inquisitive regarding that place and once you return ,you are definitely going to get bombarded with questions . It was the same with me and i had to answer my fair share of questions. But one question was on the top of every body's list . My good friend Bhargav asked this to me like four times . This is when I sat up and took notice. Everyone else i spoke with had the same thing to ask first . No it wasn't "How are your studies going?", neither "How is the climate there, have you adjusted?" or "How is the food, are u missing your mum?". It was *Drum rolls* "How are the chicks in Nitk, Sushan?". A very good and easy question to ask I guess but very difficult and awkward to answer. At first I was pretty casual and did the "uhmmm... they are ok" routine but then it did get annoying at times and all i wanted to answer was " All the girls I have seen are doing okay. They all look healthy. Some of them suffer from cold but we have a good health care center here who supply free medicine , so they should be fine in just some time . There is nothing to worry here, folks". It is always the case with guys, I guess. The testosterone always beats the mind. I had a thought then not to succumb to the wills of testosterone (Who was i kidding? lol). One of my best friends or my best friend itself if you will, Sampath is right now in Bits - Dubai. So I got the opportunity to chat with him after like 3-4 months and guess what was the question I asked him. Yup, "How are the Dubai chicks ,da?". King Testosterone never loses a battle. We are all the same. I don't think we will change or are even planning to change anytime same. Always, Guys will be guys!.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

People who know me know me as a man of many adjectives. I love using adjectives to describe anything i like. But a certain movie which goes by the name " The Shawshank Redemption" has left me speechless. Any adjective i can think of to describe this movie would be a gross understatement.

Perhaps this is the only way i can salute the movie.

TSR is based on a novel by Stephen King titled "Rita Hayworth and shawshank redemption" . The plot uses the very familiar "innocent man in prison" theme albeit with a lot of difference. Andy Dufresne( brilliantly played by Tim robbins) is a quiet banker who is wrongly convicted of the double murder of his wife and a pro golfer whom she was seeing behind his back.He is ordered to serve two consecutive life sentences in Maine's Shawshank prison beginning in 1947.Andy first learns of the darkside of Shawshank when another inmate is beaten to death by Captain Byron Hadley(Clancy Brown) who is a pawn in the hands of the twisted warden Samuel Norton(Bob Gunton).

The story is narrated by Ellis boyd "red" redding(Morgan Freeman) popular in the prison as "red", the self proclaimed entrepreneur or as he put it " the Sears and Roebuck" of shawshank prison, the man who could get you anything and everything .The first contact Andy makes with an inmate is Red, to whom he makes the unusual demand of a rock hammer.This was the beginning a fine friendship between Red and Andy which we see grow from strength to strength throughout the film. When the rock hammer arrives Red realises that its so small that digging a tunnel might take many many years using it. Andy uses the rock hammer for a hobby of his "rock carving", so Red quickly forgot about the tunnel angle.Andy here shows a steel like character as he quickly accepts the hardships that one undergoes in a prison. The dark aspects of prison life is shown when we see Andy getting raped by a bunch of homosexuals who called themselves " the sisters". Periodically Andy had to bear solitary confinement due to the evil nature of the warden.

Andy gets a new job in the prison as in charge of the library because of the outgoing lifer Brooks Hatlen who has served 50 years in Shawshank. An emotional , gut wrenching moment of the film is when the inmates read a letter sent from the outside from Brooks who is on the verge of committing suicide because he couldnt live without this place. Red calls it " instituitionilisation". Andy gets on the work of building a memorial library for Brooks in the prison. After continuosly pestering the officials for funds,Andy gets his way and his first major contribution to Shawshank in the form of this library begins. Andy's intelligence and know-how is quickly utilized by everyone including the warden Norton who capitalizes on Andy's skills and devises a program to put prison inmates to work for local construction projects, exploiting the prisoners' free labor for his own personal profit, with Andy acting behind the scenes as a money launderer.

Time passes by, Red's parole is always rejected and a new inmate Tommy(Gil Bellows) makes an appearance. Some information about the real killer of Andy's wife and her lover was passed on to him from Tommy . Andy pleads with Norton to look into the matter further and to help him get a new trial but the warden dismisses him, and sentences him to a month in solitary. Tommy is shot to death to prevent him from talking any further, and the situation for Andy looks very grim when he refuses to help Norton launder money. He spends another thirty days in the bowels of the prison, and we are left wondering if he will ever get out of Shawshank.

After this Andy reveals his plan of escaping to Red . Red learns of Andy's dream of starting a new life in Zihuatanejo a small island on the coast of the Pacific. Red thinks that this is a lavish dream knowing truly well that Shawshank's security system would be hard to breach. One morning they find out that Andy is missing in his cell. On probing further they find a tunnel in the wall. Then ,it hits Red. Andy did use the rock hammer for digging a tunnel. It took him 19 long years to make it but the reward was in front him. Andy had gone through the tunnel and escaped out through the drainage system( I was ready to puke here). Red rightly put it as " Crawled through half a mile of shit smelling foul". Andy escapes , withdraws all the money from the fake account the warden's money is hidden in, tells the truth about the warden to a local newspaper ultimately leading to the suicide of Samuel Norton. We see Andy driving away in a hot pair of wheels along the coast of Pacific ocean , where else but Zihuatanejo.

Red is finally given parole after he sends out what was to be one of the dialogues of the movie to the reviewer about rehabilitation in the prison. After the initial struggle in the outside world, Red decides to join his friend Andy . The last scene is a certain goosebump moment when Andy and Red embrace each other.

As a viewer I dont know how this movie failed to win an Oscar. I understand the tough competition from Forrest Gump and Pulp Fiction but clearly this movie is a notch above in more aspects than one. Firstly i have to commend the dialogue writer. Fantastic. top class. period.
The acting was some of the best I'll ever see .Both Freeman and Robbins suited the role to a 'T'. The message and the theme of storyline is like no other and how it brings out the tagline is exemplary .

"Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free"

True, very true. It was hope that unlocked the gates of freedom for Andy and Red.

Monday, November 10, 2008



Two power cuts already while i make attempts at kickstarting this blog . Is it a sign from up above saying" what are you heading in to, Sushan??". No matter what the omens say I'm doing this for sure and i hope to continue this blog for a long , long time..( anyone placing a bet i wont last two weeks??)

A warm welcome to all of you reading this blog. I'm Sushan from Bangalore currently doing my computer engineering at Nitk, Surathkal. I am taking a path less trodden by most guys my age-> writing a blog. Blog?? why??Well to be frank , i am really really really bored of just orkutting and downloading wallpapers of actresses and so i made this pretty instantaenous decision of writing a blog which is pretty much as intellectual and sophisticated i might get on the internet.

my emotions on starting the blog.....

This blog is not particularly about me , it could be about "anything under the sun". Anything that interests this curious mind of mine could feature. But be aware that this " the
love of my life" will make recurring appearances

Thats Ac Milan football club for all who didnt know

Another passion of mine " Mclaren mercedes f1 " team, the silver arrows will be featured on continuosly

So folks thats the end of the first episode of . Stay tuned for more exciting episodes of " A Rebel without a clue"