Sunday, February 8, 2009

Stay Away from me...

No its not you of course , its that darned fella exams..... We all hate it but we have to learn to live with it. Exam times are the times you always dread where your life becomes hell for a week. You are sad before the exam and still not releived after it because its always on your mind that you are one step closer to a bigger exam. And the education cycle continues. Me? I keep thinking of ways to live a normal life during the exam time as i dont like to over-burden myself(but i end up doing so 10 times out of ten).

*The best way to combat an exam is to study continuosly so that very less is left at the end. I realized the importance of this last sem as i got fucked trying to fit everything in my cranium at the end. So i decided that this semester would be different. Fast forward to one week before the mid sem exam and i was making a study plan as to how to fit everything-in again. You guessed it right. I didnt even look at the books til

*The plan is near perfect. The execution on the other hand is pathetic

Plan-: 1) come back from previous exam. start of at 2
2) 2- 4:45- Study physics( which is day after) so that the burden becomes less
3) start Mech which is the next day. first up , 5:00 to 7:30 - Refrigeration and air
4)Dinner and then 8:00 to 9:00-: Steam

5) 9:00 to 9:45 - Ic engines
6) 9:45 to 10:30 - power transmission and we are done ! foolproof plan. i should be an architect. Bath, and then do some other subject

Execution-: -
doze off till 4:30 , at 12 i have finished just refrigeration and steam . I stink- someone drag me to the bathroom.

* You always waste time in useless things like chatting and gossip(yes this happens in a boys hostel, a lot actually) but when it comes to doing the important things in life u have second thoughts. why? because in that 5 minutes we could revise what we studied. Smart, aren't we? For example When i wake up on the morning of an exam i always look lazily at my toothbrush thinking" Do i really have to????, i can revise in that time". Forcibly , with a little help from anurag who always try to keep the room sane while me and Manoj act like spoilt brats, I inspire myself to brush my teeth. After multiple cavaties i have improved myself to brushing twice a day. wohoooooo!!!!!. What brushing is for me is bathing for manoj. His theory is " If you have bath at midnight , isnt it a bath for thursday and friday".Hitting two birds with one stone as the yanks put it. He didnt get an IITjEE EMl for nothing you know. But credit to him, this time he has had bath on all three days of the mid sem. So kudos to our room. 25 rocks!!!!

* As the fed-ex was getting derailed i had begun to lose interest in Tennis from the beginning of last yr. Add the fact that Juju( Justine Henin) retired tennis took a big backseat. But the day before Math my interest in tennis was revived and i Had to watch that match. To my pleasant surprise the tv room was full. No one wanted to study, haha.

*At the end of it all , you always come out saying, " Shit , that was bad i could have scored better if i prepared regularly. I will change myself... blah blah blah...". After a piss poor physics exam i am saying the same thing. I will study physics every week from now on. I will leave no stone unturned. But wait let Feb get over first . we have two big college fests, you see. :P :P Here we go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

The beautiful game is still beautiful....

Thanks to this man, Ricardo Izecson dos santos leite known to the whole world as 'Kaka'

A very long overdue post but i wanted to write a good one for this guy so i thought of writing when i was really free.Times have changed in football . Money is everything now and the more you invest seems the more you gain. Guys from nowhere with a bucketfull of cash own a football club which according to me takes some shine of a football club. So when some abu dhabi company with their oil soaked money took over ManC , people raised their eyebrows because Manc went from being the 'other' team in Manchester( After Wigan obviously :P) to the richest club in the world. Their transfer kitty was 3 or 4 times more than the average big club and this meant trouble. No player was out of their reach and suddenly names flew in. Berbatov, Villa, ronaldo , Cesc and much to my horror my beloved Ricky Kaka , the Saviour of milan in 90% of their matches. At hostel i dont have a system or laptop(yet ) so the frequency of me coming online has drastically reduced. I hadnt been in touch with transfer rumours or anything sort of milan news for a few days and suddenly out of nowhere my friend Rajath texts me that City had an enormous 120 million pound bid for Kaka and 120 million is 120 million so Milan couldnt refuse and they accepted the bid . ManC was ready to double kaka's wages and all in all kaka would be covered in money . In the real world none of us would pass up an oppportunity to increase our salary by a few folds and rightly so because lets face it no matter what people say money is very important in life. And so the days went by, was eating my head with reports that the deal was nearly done and the move was said to be a sure one.For one moment my rock solid faith in kaka seemed to be breaking. But wait did anyone ask kaka what he wanted???? Well kaka gave a response which touched me and most of my fellow rossoneri

The chest beating and the jersey display truly established his love and loyalty to the club. I should be ashamed in doubting his loyalty to the club for even a moment. I should be beleiving in Kaka rather than useless websites spinning stories to make a quick buck. I am convinced he will remain in this club for a long time and i hope he gets the armband very soon. Kaka made me a very proud fan and kept intact the reason why i fell in love this club . Milan is special where the players club ant the fans share a unique bond signified by the legend, god- maldini himself and now Kaka moved up a notch in my books. Thank you ricky, I love you man!