Tuesday, December 22, 2009

where were you hiding, Mister??

I know that would be the first question on your minds as I havent updated my (beloved?) blog for quite some time. Well i wasn't hiding anywhere , i couldn't update my blog at nitk because it was technologically hit. Pretty badly hit, mind you. My block didn't have internet for most of the sem. we did get it back later( when we weren't thatfree anymore and much closer to the exams).The problem wasnt much actually but like every other government institution the effort and the material required to fix the problem was lacking. It was pretty pathetic from the college's point of view.link Makes me wonder, what were these guys smoking when they gave gave this award.

i found myself a new IDOL. Jack *fucking*BAuer. What a fucking god amongst men.This man is immortal and can never die no matter what. Kiefer sutherland's portrayal of jack bauer is quite simply marvellous and 24 is the best series i have seen in my life. I dont think anything will get better. Well i am such a big fan of Sutherland now that i plan to get an identical tattoo like his - a chain armband(please dont mistake me for an obssessed teenage girl, I am not!!!!!!). Since i am getting so excited over a show it only means that nothing much goes on in my life(all fingers are pointed to the demon that is engineering). Whereever i am , studies seems to be staring at me from all four sides. I mean study that language, code this, code that, internship. There seems to be so many things which i must necessarily do to stay alive in this world of cut throat competition.Not very cool.

This is just adding to the infinite thoughts that are already filling up my head... Was the alien sex scene in Avatar disturbing or hot(I see you)? why does that feel more realistic than me and scarlett johansson ever happening?am I team edward or team Jacob?? will boriello score more goals than the Number of STD's he has had?? oh and finally

RIP the very beautiful Brittany Murphy.Such a tragic loss...