Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thats all folks

The holidays, they have finally come to a close. The three months of holidays seemed like eternity . I have done nothing special though. Just honed my laziness skills and more importantly doing one thing which i always want to do in college -> be alone , relax and day dream. But I did plan my holidays too ( lame, i know ).

1) There were quite a few shows i wanted to watch. after finishing Himym, the big bang theory, two and a half men , scrubs , wonder years, all i can say is DONE. Am a happy man.

2) There were plenty of movies i wanted to watch. Ranging from drama, comdies with insanely sick humour, thriller, and even silly romantic comedies. i have atleast watched 100 movies and all were excellent , so a pat on the back for me and good movies make me feel good.DONE

3) learn the friedrich method for solving rubik's cube. Completely pointless since the end result is always the same but nevertheless DONE

4) dont slouch of and become a couch potato . Well after watching fight club and getting inspired by brad pitt's god like physique i hit the gym hard. i kinda liked workin out and the feeling of strength( Some guys are gonna get it while arm wrestling this sem B-) ) So DONE

5) Read a fantastic Novel . YEAH RIGHT!!! . Still not able to finish LOTR even though i started out 6 yrs ago. A worthy tribute to JRR tolkien , i am. well 4/5 is not that bad.

The holidays had some speed bumps as well. I discovered that even though ppl are afraid of aids and cancer nobody pays attention to throat ulcers even though its fuckin deadly. i wasnt able to drink water , let alone eat food. my life was a horrible hell for 2 weeks and i don wanna deal with this shit again. I wanted to evade a visit to my best buddies from the world of medicine - dermatologists. All was going according to plan until i had to visit one for clearing a mark which was getting hard to get rid of created by my spectacles. Drat and double drat!!! The whole internet world is like a herd of sheep and everyone just follows the trend. I am just another sheep , so i joined twitter when everyone else is tweeting. All though it doesnt seem like a big deal i still continue to use it. John mayer and ashton kutcher are excellent tweeters but my college friends with their rare tweets are a disgrace( sorry fellas :D). Anyway another random fact to conclude with- i bought another pair of running shoes so that i dont have to use my expensive Fila basketball shoes :proud:( side note- how cheap can i get? buying a shoe and not using it. whats the point anyway? i cant seem to explain it to myself but somehow in my own small world it all makes sense). Bye for now and everyone remember to vaccinate ur dogs :P. Peace out.