Sunday, April 26, 2009

A New Passion

This thing on the left is the new love of my life, a Rubik's cube. Rubik's cube - a puzzle made in the 70's by erno rubik quickly rose to be the puzzle everyone wanted to solve. Its poularity skyrocketed after its invention and now everyone has seen or atleast heard of rubik's cube. I am one of those people who are totally addicted to this wonderful , wonderful thing . I first heard of the cube sometime back but obviously i couldnt solve it and i quietly forgot about it with sudoku occupying my mind. This sem sometime in Jan there was a rubik's cube workshop held in my college . As was the case with every workshop i decided to ditch this too preferring to lie on my arse enjoying yet another nap. But people returned with an algorithm sheet and suddenly everyone started solving it and quickly it became a craze in the coll. I looked around as people started solving it quicker and quicker without breaking a sweat . Srini was even doing it in the class. It was then I thought "Man i NEED to solve the cube" . As soon as I went back to blore for a mini break i sat in front of the comp looking at video tutorials and surprisingly i found it bloody easy to solve. But then even though i can comfortably solve it i keep doing it again and again for hours together even though i know the end result is always the same. Doing it faster is the main aim now and now i can do it within 2 minutes( not that good but i am trying hard to get it within 1 ). So i will leave u with two ppl who can really teach YOU how to solve the cube. Try it, its simple.


Search for the videos in his page. he teaches u the fridrich method


part 1 from pogobat(dan brown). part 2 and 3 in related videos . this is the simpler way to solve and he really explains it well.

To prove i ain't bluffing here is a video of me solving the cube in 1 min 33 or 34 secs. Excuse the weird facial expressions i can't think without making those. lol.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Is it really over???

I am having a hard time convincing myself that I am through with my first year of engineering. It only feels like yesterday when i came for counselling and received a shock when i found out that coll starts very early because of supposed water problems in the summer. we got very good proof of this later. Right after incident i woke up late and when i went to brush my teeth i got a rude shock . No water at all!!!So i thought i would go to the next block and manage and i thought this water problem would end in a day or two like always. I was never more wrong in my life!!!. While iitians are worried about what components to use to make their next robot, we nitkians are wondering where will take our next crap. Yes roaming around the campus looking for a block with water is certainly tiresome and it does make a strong impact. the word hygiene got deleted from our dictionary. Skipping bath became common and washing clothes was a luxury .I also noticed that people stopped playing as a bath was necessary due to the heavy sweat output and who wants to have extra bath???? A protest was made but nobody cared about it. The water problem was soon forgotten when room allotment began where i saw politics being played better than bjp- congress. Every party wanted a good room for themselves and there was a lot of arguments as to who gets what .Finally a mutual consensus and people took rooms where they were told to. This was just a teaser to NITK politics. The real thing was the election for class representatives and head of union/engi/inci for next year. Boy, was this scary politics. Like real life two big alliances were formed , promises were made, backstabbing was also present , each alliance tried to play their right cards and the most shrewd guy won in the end. I was just happy my cr is venkat, a good friend of mine who has good qualities to be a cr. As month ended studies piled up and i forced myself to slog . End sems were like as usual a blurry week with no sleep . i am happy that is over and i have 3 months of hols to look forward to.

This one year has been great for me. I initially took time to adjust and didnt like my class s1 much as they raped me in relative grading but all that they changed in the second sem as i got to know them better . Now i dont care if they screw me in relative grading because they are my friends and i would like them anyways. I really feel the unity of this class was fantastic and kudos to the cr giri for doing just that. I would have to say though i would miss being in s1 dozing in class all the time, bearing the weirdiest teachers u'll find on the face of he earth, putting proxies, getting proxies, copying in all surprise tests . Next year as we separate into our own branches i am happy that i got many of my s1 friends in 3rd block 2nd floor ( Sadly not all :( ). So i am sure i'll be having a blast next year. Second year, I await thee.....